Gerwin Baula

Front End Developer from Philippines


Possess an intense drive and enthusiasm that fuels their actions and inspires those around them. A believer that the greatest works are done by passionate people.

Critical Thinker

Creating a user-friendly and visually appealing website is a very challenging task. It requires strong attention to detail which will identify underlying issues or problems.


In a field of web development, almost everything changes drastically. Every developer must have the ability to adapt to other tech stack as well as the incoming ones.

Who Am I

Hello there.

My name is Gerwin and I am a front-end developer.

I wrote my first code in 2014. I was a electrical engineering freshman that time taking an introductory course on programming. I actually didn't know that you could solve puzzlescreate algorithms by writing some weird syntax and have fun with it.

That's when I realized that this is what I like to do. It's more exciting to go to computer laboratory over electrical laboratory. But... yeah, it was kinda late. If only programming was introduced to me when I was a high school, I would definitely ditch an engineering degree and take a computer science degree.

With the help of internet and MOOC's, I managed to reconnect to what I like. Nowadays, I tend to code all of my projects from scratch and spend time taking my skill to the next level in order to deliver unique experience to every company.

Outside programming I enjoy watching jdorama, documentaries and playing dota 2.

Technological Skills

I always enjoy learning new things. Especially the technologies that make your company special.

My latest works

These are my greatest works.

Get in Touch

Want to connect? I share my passion for development anywhere I can.